- Quotes
«Sado» had a great impact on me: excellent script, effective and striking music.
Boris Tchaikovsky
ComposerTolib Shakhidi is a highly talented composer. His works expose the essence of the artist in an unusually bright manner. He expresses his musical idea with great perfection. The whole material is outstandingly worked out, orchestral script brilliantly written and architectonics followed in amazing detail.
Andrei Eshpai
- News
- 25.11.2014
- Симфоническая рага "Тадж Махал" прозвучала в Одессе
- 09.10.2014
- Музыка Толибхона Шахиди прозвучала в Лондоне. Премьера произведения "Devouring Time"
- 14.06.2014
- Москва, Издательство "Композитор": Т. Шахиди - "Времен Контрасты". Интервью, Статьи, Письма, Фото
- 14.06.2014
- Конкурсные работы по произведениям композитора Толиба Шахиди